We will be releasing Understand 4.0 with build 772. An updated license is required, which is free as long as your maintenance is up-to-date. To check the status of your maintenance or request the updated license, please email us at keys@btransfer.scitools.com
We like to add new features to Understand as soon as they are finished, that way you don’t have to wait. So, as with our previous releases, Understand 4.0 is a collection of new and existing features. Below is a list of the features that have been added since Understand 3.1 was released, or that will be included in 4.0:
- UML Sequence Diagrams
- Eclipse Plugin
- Refactoring Tools
- Editor Themes
- The Understand Theme is now selected by default if you haven’t modified the styles
- Entities are much more visible in the default theme
- Control Flow Cluster Graphs
- Relationship Graphs
- Cluster Graphs Customization Options
- These options are accessible via the Tools Menu under Options->Graphs->Cluster Graph Styles
- MISRA 2012 Support in Codecheck
- Various metrics were added for supported languages
- Java API
- A minimalistic but functional Java API was added while creating the Eclipse plugin
- The documentation is in the install folder under doc\manuals\java
- Java 8 Support
- Entity Locator Overhaul
- Editor Macro Support
- C++11 and C++13 Support
- Visual Studio 2012/2013 C++ and C# project files
- Licensing Changes
- All licenses now show the Maintenance Expiration Date
- Single Developer Licenses are now tied to a specific email address